Thursday 29 October 2009

Work! I like to keep busy!

People moan all the time about their jobs, their boss being too demanding, their colleagues having terrible grammar or eating habits. Me...yeah I do that too sometimes but worst of all...I hate being bored!

The way I see it is that I have a job and I'm very lucky to have one. Therefore I feel I should be busy, hard at work! Well it's only fair isn't it!

I don't like feeling as though I'm being handed money on a plate. Yet no matter how often I feel like I'm not busy enough, no matter how often I offer to help others when I don’t have much to do... someone always comes in and makes a comment which implies that I'm slacking off.

I currently get paid by the hour, on an agency contract. So if I leave early I'm honest and swipe myself out. Isn't it funny that the same people that suggest I’m slacking, or have it easy and so on, are the ones who say "No don't swipe out, might as well get as much money as you can!"

So I have come to the conclusion that honest, hard working people are often poorer, and more alienated than the opposite, but at least I have a clear conscience. :O)

This first post was set up on a day that I had finished my work way too early and became bored very, very early. It got me through the afternoon!
Give it a go! If you don't have work to do and there is nothing you can do about it, then just be creative to pass the time!

Over & Out!