Tuesday 10 November 2009

Do you believe in ghosts?

History and even current news is full of myths and legends. It's hard to know what is real and what is not. If you think about it, it's a lot easier to just think of anything 'weird' as fake...not real...made up. A figment of some loon's imagination!

I have mixed feelings but I like to think that I can tell the difference between real and fake.

The weekend just past was Halloween. On Saturday 31st October 2009, Halloween night, I took part in an organised ghost hunt with my partner. The event was to raise money for a Hospice that was run purely from money raised through charity events and donations.

So at just past 8pm we set off on the big 800cc motorbike, on our short journey to this old house somewhere in the Amersham area. The journey there was quite scary for me. It was so dark and quiet. No street lights, and just the sounds of the wind rushing past my head and the deep purring of the engine. I loved it!

Eventually we pulled into a sort of drive way, indicated only by a small flashing pumpkin lantern. This house was huge! Surrounded by green land and trees. Wow!
I wont go into all the intricate details and give you a step by step account of the whole evening. Just the interesting parts.

As people arrived we were directed into a sitting room. Everyone was split up across 3 groups. Each group had a team leader and a Medium.

I was open minded and looking forward to it.

Our first room was a bedroom. As I walked into the room my chest went tight and I had a sudden difficulty breathing. It went away fairly quickly and I didn’t tell anyone as I wasn't sure it was anything to do with the spirit world. I later learned that this in fact was something to do with it, but decided not to talk about it as it felt personal.

We took turns holding the pendulum. Spent time in the dark listening for sounds and waiting for feelings. The medium spoke out asking for signs and talking to spirits that she felt around her. The first room didn't bring much to us apart from my secret experience.

The second room however was far more interesting! The area I stood in felt very cold. My knee felt frozen and I pointed this out. One of the leaders of our group was filming. He took a photo of where I was standing and said there was an orb by my leg! Wow!
I can't wait to see the photos! I think I'd know if it was manipulated, having a lot of experience in design and image manipulation.

A fair few things happened in that room. We think there was the ghost of a dog in there as well as a little girl! Apparently we had a man walking around with us too. Probably making sure we didn't touch anything. He seemed to be quite protective of the house.

As we went to leave that particular room the medium turned round asking who needs the toilet, and pointed to where it is. It turns out it was none of us asking...the little girl was asking. The medium heard her little voice say she needed to spend a penny and thought it was one of us. Sharing a giggle we all walked out of the door and, as we walked past, felt a cold area about the size of a young child brush past our legs.

Before heading for a tea break we went back to that bedroom to find that the large chest of drawers in there had been moved out. No one had been in there after us as the other groups were in other parts of this huge house! You could see the marks on the carpet where the legs of the unit had been previously standing. But there were no drag marks! Strange.

Whenever we had a little break we couldn't talk about anything that happened in the rooms as the aim was to discuss it at the end of the evening to see if people had the same experiences. A good way of seeing what’s real and what’s imaginary!

It was a great atmosphere. It didn't feel at all scary! Very relaxed!

After a bit more searching around all the rooms in the house the whole group got together around midnight in a circle and we did a group Séance. Unfortunately nothing too interesting happened there. I had frozen knees and my ear lobes felt like they were burning. Two people had to leave the room as they were apparently being bothered by a bad spirit of a man. They experienced angry and scared feelings. Apparently earlier on a lad in the event was grabbed round the throat in the cellar, but whatever it was must have followed him out as when we went there, there was nothing around. The spirit that was following us around wouldn’t even go past the stairs. Those were the only negative things though. I intend to research the history of this place. See if things add up.

The last part of the evening was very interesting. Two of the mediums sat at a small table to call upon a spirit guide. This was a type of table tipping where the table would travel to a person in the room and pass on a message from a spirit. I’m very open minded but also very observant. It didn't at all seem as though this was fixed in anyway, and the table was clearly not being lifted or moved by the mediums! They were barely tickling the top of it with their hands.

I really wish I had got a message.

What a great event to go to. I think that's the best Halloween I have experienced and I look forward to more.

It's something worth doing. Just make sure its genuine and not a profit making event. A local Charity event like the one I went to is definitely recommended!

I will try to post the photos when I get them.

I believe in something! I have had some spiritual experiences!
Who knows what happens after life....